The fact that Anni doesn't have a computer and has had to hijack her housemates is the reasoning behind this extreamly delayed posting, and trust me, I'm not happy.
However, from what I remember, the End-of-October party was brilliant!
Although a lot of people didn't rock up, those that did got into the full swing of things and dressed up incredibly. We had a couple of Vampires, Spideyman, a 60's Go-Go dancer, Little Dead Riding Hood, a Fat Stipper and I turned up as Ian Thorpe in my little budgey smuggles and wimmers cap.
Anni's Vodka jelly was a hit (literally) and many puddles were created from it. Laughter was had by all in the various exposing drinking games, and silly actions pursued as the night went on.
Overall I enjoyed the coming of the end of october, and although I am a little worse for wear, it was a great night.
My next adventure is to Edinburgh this weekend!
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